Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I book a flight on JourneyHoper?

To book a flight, simply visit our homepage and enter your departure and arrival destinations, travel dates, and passenger details. Click on the "Search" button to browse through available flight options.

2. What airlines does JourneyHoper work with?

JourneyHoper partners with a wide range of domestic and international airlines, offering you a diverse selection of flights. The available options depend on your chosen route and travel dates.

3. Can I reserve a seat on my flight?

Yes, you can reserve seats for most flights during the booking process. After confirming your reservation, you can manage your booking to select specific seats based on availability.

4. Can I change or cancel my flight reservation?

 The answer depends on the airline's cancellation policy. Most airlines allow changes or cancellations for a fee, while some non-refundable tickets may not be changeable or cancellable at all. You can find the cancellation policy for your specific flight on the airline's website or by contacting the airline directly.

5.  How do I book a hotel on JourneyHoper?

To book a hotel, go to the "Hotels" section, enter your destination and travel dates, and click "Search." Browse through the available options and select the hotel that suits your preferences. Complete the necessary details to finish the booking procedure.

6. Are the prices for hotel rooms per person or per night?

The prices listed on JourneyHoper are typically per night, per room, unless otherwise specified. Additional charges, such as taxes and fees, may apply.

7. What amenities are included in my hotel room?

The amenities included in your hotel room will vary depending on the hotel and the type of room you booked. Some common amenities include Wi-Fi, air conditioning, a TV, and a private bathroom. You can find a list of the amenities included in your room on the hotel's website.

8. What is the hotel's check-in and check-out time?

The hotel's check-in and check-out times will vary depending on the hotel. Most hotels allow you to check in after 3:00 PM and check out by 11:00 AM. You can find the hotel's check-in and check-out times on the hotel's website.

9. Can I view my trip itinerary on JourneyHoper?

Yes, once you've completed your booking, you can access your trip itinerary by logging into your JourneyHoper account. Your itinerary will include details such as flight information, hotel reservations, and any other booked services.

10. How can I make changes to my trip itinerary?

You can manage your itinerary by logging into your account on JourneyHoper. Depending on the airline or hotel policies, you may be able to make modifications online or by contacting our customer support.

11. What is JourneyHoper's refund policy?

Our refund policy varies depending on the type of service booked. Please review the specific cancellation and refund terms during the booking process. In case of any concerns, our customer support team is available to assist you.

12. How do I cancel a flight or hotel reservation?

To cancel a reservation, log in to your JourneyHoper account, go to your booking details, and follow the cancellation process. Be sure to review the cancellation policy to understand any applicable fees.

13. How do I confirm my flight reservation?

After completing your booking, you'll receive a confirmation email containing your booking details and a unique confirmation number. You can also log in to your account to view and print your e-ticket.

14. What documents do I need for my trip?

Ensure you have a valid government-issued photo ID, passport, and any required visas. Check the specific documentation requirements for your destination and consult our travel advisories for the latest information.

15. What happens if I miss my flight?

If you miss your flight, you will need to contact the airline to rebook your flight. The airline may charge you a fee for rebooking your flight.